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Car Insurance

A Blog About Driving and Car Insurance in the USA

Monday, November 28, 2005

Some Great Tips For Families With Teenaged Drivers

If you have a teenaged driver in your family, then you'll find the latest tips from the folks @ InsureMe.com very useful. Here's a snippet from today's press release:

"Parents work hard to protect their children. But when these precious children find themselves thrust into adulthood behind the wheel of the family car, many parents discover their car insurance rates soaring along with their concerns and find that essential protection hard to find.

More than 5,000 teens ages 16 to 20 die annually in vehicle-related accidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. For this reason, many car insurance companies consider drivers under 25 a higher-than-average risk. This increased risk of death and injury leads to soaring teen car insurance rates.

But if teens are willing to expend some effort and follow a few simple guidelines, parents won’t have to take away the car keys just yet.

To keep rates low, InsureMe, the leading consumer-agent link for buying insurance on the Web, recommends these tips for teens:

• Keep a Clean Driving Record
Just one DWI (driving while intoxicated) conviction can raise teen car insurance premiums above a base premium of a few hundred dollars annually for at least three years.

• Earn “Brownie Points”
Many companies offer discounts to teens attending high school or college full-time who maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. Insurers also offer discounts to teens who take a locally accredited driver safety course or other state-certified program. Ask your insurer about these discounts, or get information online from the National Safety Council at www.nsc.org.

• Involve Yourself in Your Community
Young people who join certain civic or community organizations (such as Eagle Scouts or Girl Scouts) may receive discounts from their teen car insurance providers. Car insurers often reward teens willing to better their communities with lower rates, since these types of teens usually pose less risk.

• Choose a Safer Car
Car insurance may cost up to 50 percent less if your teen drives a safer car, such as a Honda Civic or a Volvo. Newer model cars with airbags are the least expensive to insure, and the safest for teens to drive. Sports cars, expensive cars, high-performance cars and SUVs carry higher risk and higher teen car insurance premiums.

• Add Safety Features
Protective features such as anti-lock brakes, traction control, automatic seatbelts and side-impact airbags can reduce teen car insurance rates considerably.

• Shop Around
Agents have different programs of incentives and discounts, and by shopping around, chances are improved for finding the right discounts for a specific teen driver. The Internet provides fast and easy methods for reaching insurance agents.

A little extra attention can mean lower car insurance rates—and on-the-road protection—for the entire family.

About InsureMe
InsureMe, an Englewood, Colorado-based company, links agents nationwide with consumers shopping for insurance. Specializing in auto, home, life, long-term care and health insurance quotes, the InsureMe network provides thousands of agents with insurance leads every year. For more information, visit www.InsureMe.com."

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Anonymous Michael Thorsett said...

I've also found that when you're shopping for car insurance, especially online, you have to ASK if they have any extra discounts or programs that you may qualify for. I guess they don't want to give out any more discounts than they have to, but it seems like it would be better customer service if they made their discounts and other programs more accessible.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:57:00 PM  

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